1. President's report

Before I go into other news, I want to send a big thank you to all those people who attended my professional learning session on GRIT last week. There have been some interesting developments in this area of late and the recording should be made available to you momentarily. We've had some great interest in the form of submissions to present at our conference, and if you felt that you missed out, worry not! We have extended the deadline until March 18th. So, if you do have something original and/or insightful to say we would love to hear from you.

I have also been discussing with the committee the different professional learning sessions that we will be offering this year, and we have some interesting ideas lined up, so please watch this space and book into some quality professional learning when the time comes. Also, let's not forget the conference coming up in May with our keynote speaker professor Vicky Duckworth coming to us from the UK to discuss her work on the groundbreaking transforming lives project of 2022.

So, we are quite busy here at VALBEC at the moment, as I guess we all are as we simultaneously welcome our new students while trying to plan and stay abreast of the changes in our landscapes. Let us not forget the importance of those first meetings in the establishment of lasting educational relationships, because it is in relationships that life changing and deep learning can occur. Looking forward to seeing you all online or face to face at our conference in May.

VALBEC President

2. Valbec Membership

VALBEC Membership

You can join or renew online.


If you join in August, September or October, deduct 50%. Renewal falls due the following February.

Members receive:

  • Fine Print three times a year – a high quality journal for discussion and debate about good practice, theory and policy issues. Feedback and contributions are actively sought from members about content and issues.
  • eVALBEC – our e-mail communication keeping members informed of professional development activities, general committee activities and more up to date policy changes.

  • Discounts for the Annual Conference and other VALBEC statewide professional development.

  • Issues-based forums.

  • Focus on significant policy issues impacting on the field.

  • Free numeracy resources.

    3. Resources

    ESL Resource Bank

    ESL Resource Bank offers both teachers and students engaging materials for language education.


    Engoo daily news

    Use the news to teach English.


    4. Fine Print

    Fine Print is one of very few journals worldwide that is dedicated to adult and community education. Capturing the Multiple Benefits of Foundation Skills Training in Adult and Community Education by Anne Walstab and Esther Doecke in our last issue exemplifies why Fine Print is so important as a forum for sharing research in this sector.

    VALBEC membership includes three issues a year of Fine Print so make sure your membership is up to date. The first issue of Fine Print for 2024 will be in members’ mailboxes in April - don’t miss out!. 

    5. Special Dates

        • World Wildlife Day (3rd March)

        • International Women’s Day (8th March)

        • Pi Day (14th March)

        • World Consumer Rights Day (15th March)

        • Read to Me Day (19th March)

        • International Day of Happiness (20th March)

        • World Poetry Day (21st March)


          eVALBEC is the monthly electronic newsletter of (VALBEC) the Victorian Adult Literacy and Basic Education Council and is sent to about 1000 practitioners on the first of each month (other than January). It is also available in the ‘News’ section of our web site


          The activities, goods and services mentioned in eVALBEC are not endorsed by Valbec in any way. People should make their own judgment about the suitability of each item.

          How to submit items: https://www.valbec.org.au/evalbec

          Powered by Wild Apricot Membership Software