"How Coping Skills can help and hinder students in adult education"

  • 9 Aug 2023
  • 5:30 PM - 6:30 PM
  • Zoom
  • 83


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A VALBEC (Victorian Adult Literacy and Basic Education Council) Professional Learning session presented by Melanie Kyle

We all have coping skills or strategies - some of them serve us well, others, not so much. This interactive workshop will guide you in understanding your own and others’ ‘go to' behaviours and actions when the going gets tough. The focus will be on the adult Language, Literacy. Numeracy and Digital (LLND) skills + classroom.

Linno Rhodes works in community-based adult education and is on the ACAL committee and Fine Print (the VALBEC journal) editorial committee.
She is an International Specialised Skills Fellow where her research centred on adult literacy and the relational sciences.

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PO Box 341
Clifton Hill Vic 3068



ABN 56 550 665 438
VALBEC (Victorian Adult Literacy and Basic Education Council) was established in 1978 and is managed by an elected volunteer committee of management.

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